

Can you spare a minute to leave your thoughts about my service? I’d really appreciate it. Joan Hazzard left a lovely Review when I first opened the practice: Super room on Droitwich Road WORCESTER at the Drs there. A new podiatrist there is really helpful and...
One’s larger than the other!

One’s larger than the other!

It’s Friday! And time for a foot fact: Did you know that many people have one foot larger than the other, so itʼs best to fit the larger one while standing!? If you’d like some help with your feet, please make an appointment with me...
Friday foot fact!

Friday foot fact!

Here’s the first of our Friday foot facts we’d like to share with you: The 52 bones in your feet make up a quarter of all the bones in your body. When they are out of alignment, so is the rest of your body. If you need help with alignment or any other...

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