At Nicola Shearman podiatry we aim to improve stiff and achy knees which stop you wanting to climb the stairs or go out for a walk.
I was very happy with my treatment today. The surgery is very convenient for me and there isn’t anything else you could do to improve the experience for me. I feel that I would benefit from regular visits and will be guided by your advice.
A Musculoskeletal podiatrist is a lower limb specialist and an expert at reducing the painful symptoms of knee pain so that stairs and walking into town are easier.
We can adjust the motion of your knee and with treatment enable you to be stronger, more stable and to walk further with less pain.
We will take a thorough history of your problem. You will have a full musculoskeletal assessment of your foot and ankle joints, muscles, a weightbearing assessment and a video gait analysis assessment.
We will then have a discussion regarding the highest quality treatment for your condition and together make a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Treatments offered for these conditions include:
Bespoke foot orthoses. A 3D scan is taken of your foot from which is created an orthotic specifically shaped to your foot. These orthoses are the longest lasting, and the best fitting, and highest quality treatment.
Exercise therapy – stretches and strengthening.
Footwear advice – bring your footwear with you. You might be surprised how much information we can obtain from your shoes. We will help you to understand which shoes will be the best for your foot problem.
Taping and strapping. Resting certain muscles and tendons with taping can benefit enormously.
- Foot mobilisation.